Port Isaac’s Fisherman’s Friends No Hopers, Jokers And Rogues

Port Isaac’s Fisherman’s Friends has long been a beloved folk group in the U.K. and beyond. Formed in 1998, the group is made up of a group of fishermen from the small fishing village of Port Isaac in Cornwall, England. The group has achieved success with their unique blend of traditional maritime songs, shanties and folk tunes, and they have become renowned for their infectious live performances.

Port Isaac’s Fisherman’s Friends

Port Isaac’s Fisherman’s Friends is a group of 10 fishermen from Port Isaac, Cornwall, England. The group consists of John Lethbridge, Jonny “Spitfire” Sparks, Jeremy Brown, John “Lefty” Lethbridge, John “Tiger” Taylor, John “Trencher” Lethbridge, John “Tug” Taylor, John “Tiger” Taylor, John “Tug” Taylor, and John “Trencher” Taylor. All of the members are active fishermen in the community and have a deep connection to the waters of the village. Their music reflects this connection, as they sing traditional maritime songs, shanties and folk tunes.

No Hopers, Jokers and Rogues

Port Isaac’s Fisherman’s Friends are known for their lively performances, often featuring humorous and irreverent lyrics. These lyrics often take the form of “no hopers, jokers and rogues”, which is a phrase that describes the characters in the songs. The songs often feature stories about fishermen, sailors and other seafaring folk, and the characters are often portrayed as lovable rogues. The songs are often upbeat and humorous, and they provide a snapshot of life in a small fishing village.

Port Isaac’s Fisherman’s Friends are renowned for their unique blend of traditional maritime songs, shanties and folk tunes. Their live performances are infectious and humorous, and they provide a snapshot into the lives of the fishermen of Port Isaac. The group’s music is a beloved part of the U.K. folk music scene, and they continue to bring joy to audiences around the world.